1. Didn't add any rebates 2. Spend $14.98 out of pocket 3. Retail amount to date: $2885.96 4. Earned $5 SCR 5. Amount spent out of pocket in 2011: $319.12
Still have 29 cents in my cash envelope and $7.50 due to me in SCR.
1. Didn't add any cash to my envelope 2. Spent $3.74 out of my cash envelope 3. Retail amount to date: $2849.04 4. Earned $4 in + Ups, still have $3 in +Ups 5. Amount spent out of pocket in 2011: $304.14
1. Didn't add any rebates 2. Spent my $10 gift card and 36 cents from my cash envelope 3. Retail amount to date: $2832.26 4. Earned $3 + UP 5. Amount spent out of pocket in 2011: $304.14
1. Added a $10 gift card from P&G rebate and $13.09 to my cash envelope from SCR and rebates 2. Spent $13.31 from my cash envelope 3. Retail amount to date: $2804.39 4. Earned $8 in +Ups 5. Amount spent out of pocket in 2011: $304.14