Friday, January 1, 2010

What happens in Mexico...

DOESN'T Stay in Mexico! These coupons and free samples just had to come home with me!

So, I am back from my Mexican cruise after some much needed relaxation, family time, and SUN! Look what was in my stateroom on the cruise, free samples and coupons! Just another reason to look for coupons EVERYWHERE!

I am ready to start the new year and get right back into posting the deals. I will post the deals for Rite Aid on Sunday/Monday and Albertsons on Tuesday. I am sticking with those two stores as they are my absolute favorites!! I am also going to be trying some new blog ideas, so I will let you know when they are ready. Please still ask questions and pass any deals along! Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are back. I've been going through withdrawals!
