A few things to remember with catalina deals or promotions:
1)Make sure you have the right product! There are usually several sizes, but only one is the correct one. Also other brands, especially store brands are made to look like name brands and placed right next to each other, so make sure you have the right brand. There should (but not always) be tags advertising the promotion by the participating products so look for these.
2) Double, triple check before you get to the register that you have all the products and that your total adds up to the right amount.
3) Make sure you get the desired results, after your receipt prints, the catalina will print, watch for the flashing green light and the beep. Cashier tend to hurry through this, so make sure you get them. If not, let someone know. You can also call catalina at 1-888-8COUPON if your transaction didn't go right.
4)Keep trying, these promotions can be lots of fun and great ways to stock your pantry.
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