- Added $12 to my rebate envelope
- Spent $21.44 from my recycled cash
- Retail amount to date: $838.51
- Amount spent out of pocket in 2010: $114.81
*If you know of any gas reward programs in your area, please leave a comment and share.
Catalina deals:
Participating Products:
- Tide $10.99, use $1/1 from 4/4 P&G=$9.99
- Bounty $5.99, use 0.50/1 from miti book=$5.49
- Charmin $5.99, use 0.25/1 from 4/4 P&G=$5.74 (the 25 cents coupons are just annoying!)
- Bounce $4.99, use 0.25/1 from 3/7 P&G=$4.74
- Downy $4.99, use $1/1 from 4/4 P&G=$3.99
- Bounty Napkins $2.99
- Puffs tissue $1, use 0.50/2 from miti book (nice filler item)
- Charmin Freshmates $2.99
- Iams Cat Food $7.99, use $2/1 from 3/7 P&G=$6.99
- Iams Dog Food $26.99, use $3/1 from 3/7 P&G=$23.99
- Cascade $3.99, use 0.50/1 from miti book=$3.49
- Dawn or Ivory $1.99, use 0.50/1 from miti book=$1.49
- Mr. Clean cleaner or Magic Erasers (best invention ever!) $2.50
- Swiffer refills $6.99, use 0.50/1 from 3/7 P&G=$6.49
- Febreeze Air Effects $2.50, use $1/1 from 3/7 P&G=$1.50
- Tide Stain Release $10.99, use $3/1 from 3/7 P&G or 3/21 RP=$7.99
- Crest $2.49, use $1/1 from 4/4 P&G=$1.49
- Oral B Toothbrush $2.49, use $2/1 from 4/4 P&G (not sure if this style included)=49 cents!
- Glide Dental Floss $2.49, use 0.75/1 from 4/4 P&G=$1.74
- Gillette Venus Cartridges $9.99
- Always $4.99, use $1/1 from 3/7 P&G=$3.99
- Tampax $4.99, use $1/1 from 3/7 P&G=$3.99
- Prilosec $24.99, use $3/1 from 4/4 P&G=$21.99
- Pampers $9.99, use $2/1 from 3/21 RP=$7.99
- Head & Shoulders $4.49, use $1/1 from miti book=$3.49
- Cover Girl 30% off, various coupons from 3/7, 4/4 P&G and 4/11 RP
- Duracell Batteries $1.99
*This post is part of the grocery gathering for Albertsons in Oregon. Click on over for more deal matchups.
What is Staples Rewards? Staples Rewards is a program you sign up for. You get an account and a card. Just scan the card when you purchase your items and the Staples Reward items will automatically get credited to your account. About a month later, Staples will mail you a coupon to use at Staples. I use mine to buy what else, but more ink!
Here is a breakdown of my fab deal today:
I really hate the limit per transaction rule at Albertsons and Safeway. I would much rather they just had a doubles day or something, but alas the rules are in place so it doesn't get out of hand. What do you think, do you like doing numerous transactions to use numerous doublers? Do the cashiers give you a hard time about this?
Note: I have heard of "tripling" coupons, but have yet to see this in the NW :(
*This post is part of the grocery gathering for Rite Aid. Click on over for more deal matchups!
* Also, there are lots of ConAgra coupons, plus the coupon booklet mail in form in the April All You, but you have to by it at Walmart. For some reason, the subscriptions do not have this middle insert. (I ranted about it in the previous post :)) If you are planning on doing the ConAgra promo deal, it is worth checking out.
Kellogg's Catalina, Buy 4 participating products, get $4 cat
Avatar Promotion, buy Avatar DVD for $15.99, get a 3-pack Pop Secret Popcorn and a Hershey's Theatre Box Candy Free!
ConAgra Promo, buy $25 worth of participating products, get a $10 catalina
*Check your stash for more coupons, there has been a recent All You mail in rebate booklet and a Walmart freebie booklet that you might have. Also the April All You if you buy it at a newstand, has more coupons in it that matchup.
*If you are doing this deal, save your receipt to mail here to get a coupon booklet from ConAgra.
*This post is part of the grocery gathering for Albertsons in Oregon. Click on over to check out more matchups.
*Example from this weeks Albertsons ad:
To read in even more detail, visit here.
Wow, it sounds great to me. I love reward programs when I am already shopping there. Let me know what you think. I hope this is a way that Rite Aid will turn it's financial problems around. I will be so sad if they have to sell out to someone else.
That is why I love Macy's! 8 pieces of name brand clothing for $23.96 and I saved over $152.04!
*This post is part of the grocery gathering for Rite Aid. Click on over for more great deal matchups.
For more freebies, please visit freebies4mom.
What have you gotten in your mailbox lately?
*Quaker Sale (not as good as last time) Use $3/5 coupon in ad (manufacturer's coupon) to get 5 items for $1 or $1.40. I hope they have extra coupons available in the store, let me know if you spotted some.
*Only 2 days left to do the refund rewards, buy $300 gift card, get $30 free or buy $250 get $20 free.
*Saturday only free 2 liter Sunkist Orange Soda
*Free Nature Sweet Vine Cherry Tomatoes when you buy 2 Fresh Express Salad Blends priced at 2 for $5, use $1.50/2 from 2/21 SS (regional?)
*Free Lay's Chips when you buy 2 Hillshire Farm lunchmeat, use $1/2 from 3/14 RP
In ad coupons: (store=stackable, all $5 off)
Manufacter's coupons (non-stackable)
*This post is part of the grocery gathering for Albertsons in Oregon. Click on over for even more deals.
Example of an deal the way I post:
For my deals, I usually post an = meaning the amount you will pay at the register.
However, on Rite Aid the = sign is the amount you pay after for the item after the SCR is factored in, meaning your register total will be higher, but you will get reimbursed when you get your SCR check.
which means, razors are on sale for $5.99, there is a $3 Single Check Rebate available for this item, use the $1 coupon from the March 7 Red Plum and the $1 off 1 coupon from video values, total cost of item 99 cents (you will pay $3.99 at register, but get reimbursed later)
*What confuses you? What questions do you have?
House party is a great site! If chosen for a party, you will get a hostess pack that includes coupons, freebies, and fun for you and your guests. It is a great way to learn about new products, get coupons and freebies, and just spread the word on great products while hanging out with friends. Let me know if you get a house party!
UPDATE: I have been selected to host the Bicycle Playing Cards party! Click over and enter with all these parties, you are bound to get one too! Remember to sell your party on your application! Be creative and original!
Did you love this week? Take a minute to say thank you. help@customerservice.kmart.com Hopefully they will do it again.
Remember to look on redplum.com for a $5/$25 coupon also $5/$20 at video values. Lots of matchups this week using video values, so it might be a good time to earn your coupon.
*This post is part of the grocery gathering at becentsable.net for Rite Aid. Click on over for more deals and matchups!
The Pampers wipes deals is working! I always like to try these deals first, but it worked perfectly.
The only problem I see is there weren't many wipes out, ask an employee for more or get a raincheck (or special order). Both catalinas run through 4/17, so you should have plenty of time to get them in.
How did today go for you?
*Pleases remember to hand over your card at the beginning of the transaction, otherwise you have to return stuff and rescan. (Thanks Becky!)
*I also found another catalina. Spend $15 on Dove products get $5 back. Dove Ultimate Clear is on sale for $3.79, use $2/1 (print it twice) to get 2 free and $7.58 towards your total. Many other high value coupons in the 3/28 RP.
*If you found any deals or want to share a picture of your score, please email me. I would love to share them.
Best for last, I have been waiting to see what was in this one. Baby event catalina, buy $30 of participating products get $10 catalina. Products include:
*I would check your stash! You probably have some great baby mailer coupons. If you are not on the baby companies mailing list go here (scroll to the bottom of post) and click on the links to sign up. Baby companies frequently mail out samples and high value coupons based on your babies age and development. Just this week I got some Gerber Graduate coupons!
*This post is part of the grocery gathering for Albertsons in Oregon. Click on over for more great matchups!
I just went for $20 because it was the best overall deal with the coupons I had. I bought
If you have 5 Soft Scrub $1.50 coupons, you only need to find a $5.05 in filler item, pay $5.05 and get $5 back!!! $20 worth of product for a nickel!! (even less if you have coupons for your filler item, it won't double, but you can use more than 5)
I also found a couple of new catalinas.
Final thought, I have read a few bloggers and comments complaining about only 5 coupons per day. I am liking it, it makes transactions much easier, the ability to roll catalinas, plus no thinking on the cashier's part and very little on yours! Plus in and out quick with the kids. A+ on this for Kmart so far!